Tip natural Lighten armpits

Lighten your underarms ? The underarms can sometimes be prone to darkening of the skin, which can be caused by various factors such as the use of deodorants aggressive, frequent shaving, sun exposure and other environmental factors.

According to the women of South America, where women have darker skin and are more likely to suffer from darkening of the armpits, the alum stone potassium grade A+ would be a natural and effective solution to prevent this darkening. Even the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, was a follower of the alum stone for a variety of reasons, including aesthetic.

But what is it really ? Verdan Mineral has conducted research on this topic :

And would like to inform you that the alum stone potassium is a naturally occurring mineral known mainly for its antiseptic and astringent.

Although there are studies on the effects of the stone of alum and potassium on the skin in general, Verdan found nothing that clearly states that they help to clarify the skin. However, in practice, many users of the alum stone say get a clarification significant of their skin under the armpits.

The potassium, the main component of the alum stone is a mineral essential to the normal functioning of our body. He is mainly known for its role in the regulation of blood pressure and fluid balance. It is also involved in the regulation of the activity of muscle and nerve, as well as in its barrier function of the skin, which may help to even out the complexion.

It is important to take care of you and your underarms avoiding deodorants containing aggressive chemicals, preferring the hair removal shaving and limiting excessive exposure to the sun.