Hiking Walk Walking Race Your feet are your top priority

5 tips to apply

Here are 5 tips for taking care of your feet when walking, walk, walking or running :

  1. Choose hiking boots or running quality, adapted to the shape of your feet and to the activity performed. The shoes must be comfortable, offer good support and good grip.
  2. Before you go, make sure your feet are clean and dry. Use the spray Verdan to avoid that your skin will swell under the effect of moisture during the effort.
  3. Wear high quality socks that are breathable and absorb sweat. Avoid cotton socks that traps moisture and can cause irritation or blisters.
  4. Take regular breaks to stretch your legs and toes and to give your feet a break. If possible, remove your shoes and massage your feet to relax.
  5. Train your feet before you go hiking or running. Strengthen your muscles and increase your stamina by practicing exercises regularly to feet, when walking or running on various surfaces and gradually increasing your workout time.